Bonding Singapore

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Threats from Exterenal Forces

Mas Selamat Bin Kastari (JI member)

Born in Central Java, Indonesia, he was the alleged leader of JI in Singapore. He was trained in handling weapons and making bombs as such could trigger any attack anytime. He was arrested in 2005 and three years later on the 27th of February, escaped from Internal Security Department's Whitley Road Detention Centre. This year, he was found and captured in Malaysia and now arrested and held by Royal Malaysian Police.

Transnational terrorism refers to acts of violence which are global in terms of aims,organisation and impact. Singapore needs handle this threat carefully as it can divide the people in Singapore. In 2001, Singapore experienced the threat of transnational terrorsim from Jemaah Islamiyah (JI). In 2001, Singapore arrest thirty-four members of JI. This calls upon a strong military army, in its defence to keep Singapore a safe and secured country. Every Singaporean must play their part in keeping Singapore safe, thus caring for one another.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Challenges We Face As A Multi-Ethnic Society

This is a picture of Singapore's supreme court.
With regards to the previous story we had written about, managing stability in Singapore was not of an easy task. We had to overcome series of obstacles to make ourselves better. The lack of understanding among the racial groups can create suspicion and unhapiness amongst the people. In 1964, Singapore expereince race riots which resulted in 36 people dead and 560 others injured. In July, the government called for a meeting with Malay organisations to explain its policies. During the celebration of prophet Muhammad's birthday, a clash between a chinese policemen and a group of Malay participants of the procession, turned to into full blown next riots over the next few days. This callup for a major discussion to ensure the stability among the race in Singapore. Now, with our strong relationship and bond amongst other race, we easily communicate and understand with one another unlike 40 years ago.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

[Multi-Ethnic Society] - Racial Riots 1964

Before Singapore was independent, there was a major riot between the Federal Government in Malaysia and the State Government in Singapore. During this riot, there is much argumentation and disagreement between the two governments. The riot was between the Chinese and Malays. Due to this difference [race], some extreme members in the Federal Government carried out activities to encourage negative feelings towards the Singapore government. Tensions were high which resulted in a fight later on between the Malays and Chinese takes place island-wide. It was brutal and it was a difficult step to pursue on our goal, to be an one united country. So this was not the start we were looking for.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Hello and what's up. We are the "SS Freaks" & we are freak about SS. We will introduce our members in this blog - Kanapon ,Farizal, Leroy & Hasif [these are us]. We are very hardworking & with one, we will work together to educate youths with the history of Singapore. We will try our best to post new stuff week in and out, so do come and visit us. Hope you'll have fun and good-Bye! =)

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